





SOLIINVICTOCOMITI [SOLI INVICTO COMITI]; Bust of Sol r., radiate and draped, seen from rear.


UNLISTED ISSUE. According to the preliminary study published by Genio popvli romani, not only T|F/PTR emission was continued after the 1/96 reduction [RIC VII TRIER 39-60] but also the emission of unmarked folles with bust of Sol on reverse [RIC VI TREVERI 886-895]. The main problem is to distinguish this later part from the earlier one, issued on the 1/72 standard. As Sutherland wrote in RIC VI (footnote 1 on p. 227): "It is not always easy to distinguish this earlier and heavier unmarked series from the lighter one, with the same types, which appeared after Maximinus' death: the weight-peaks are quite distinct from each other, but the light 'heavies' and the heavy 'lights' inevitably tend to overlap".

The preliminary study cited above suggests that the most crucial data is not a weight, but a diameter of die (PRD), i.e. pearl ring diameter (which should be not confused with a diameter of flan!). For earlier and heavier coins, issued on the 1/72 standard, we may assume that the diameter of beaded circle is at least 21 mm. For lighter coins, issued on the new 1/96 standard, this diameter is significantly smaller - c. 19 mm.

Compare the size of coins from both emissions. Coin on the left is from the 1/72 emission, however, quite light (weight 4.02 g). Coin on the right is from the 1/96 emission (weight 3.38 g). [Source: Huvelin, H., Brenot, C., Callu, J.P., "Trouvaille constantinienne au cabinet des médailles de Lausanne", Schweizerische numismatische Rundschau 1978, no. 57, pp. 194-195 and pictures 365, 369 on plate 56].

The diameters given below are usually the diameters of the flan. Keep in mind that it is sometimes hard to extrapolate a diameter of die from a diameter of actual flan, so the attribution is not always certain.

Note that the 1/96 emission was continued up to 316, which is proven by the die match discovered by Genio popvli romani. Compare obverses of coin from 1/96 emission with Sol [2.99 g; 19-20 mm] and of coin from T|F/ATR emission [2.90 g; 19 mm; TRIER 113].

See also: Lawrence H. Cope, "The sequence of issues in the long T/F series of Constantinian folles minted at Trier, A.D. 309-315", Schweizer Münzblätter 1969, no. 75, pp. 59-66.

Coin should be listed after TRIER 60.

See also:
TRIER [after 60], CONSTANTINE I, UNLISTED ISSUE [Bust of Sol]; obv. legend 1c, bust B4
TRIER [after 60], CONSTANTINE I, UNLISTED ISSUE [Bust of Sol]; obv. legend 1c, bust B5
TRIER [after 60], CONSTANTINE I, UNLISTED ISSUE [Bust of Sol]; obv. legend 1d, bust B3
TRIER [after 60], CONSTANTINE I, UNLISTED ISSUE [Bust of Sol]; obv. legend 1d, bust B4


Weight 2.51 g. From the British Museum Collection (reg. no. 1977,1005.104).

Other specimens:

- sold on eBay in June 2012 for USD 138; weight 2.97 g; diameter 20 mm [click for picture];

- sold on Gorny & Mosch E-auction 263 (lot 3945) in March 2019 for EUR 110; sold on Numismatik Naumann auction 142 (lot 909) in July 2024 for EUR 120; weight 3.36 g; diameter 21 mm [click for picture];

- from Potator's collection; weight 3.63 g [click for picture] [Thanks to the collaboration of Genio popvli romani];

- from eBay; weight 2.85 g; diameter 20 mm [click for picture] [Thanks to the collaboration of Genio popvli romani];

- sold on CNG eAuction 220 (lot 499) in October 2009 for USD 195; weight 3.88 g; diameter 20 mm [click for picture];

- sold on Heritage Auctions auction 61309 (lot 21086) in February 2023 for USD 230; weight 3.45 g; diameter 21 mm [click for picture];

- sold on Savoca Numismatik 207th Weekly Blue Auction (lot 668) in April 2024 for EUR 90; weight 3.03 g; diameter 21 mm [click for picture];

- from eBay; weight 3.00 g; diameter 19 mm [click for picture] [Thanks to the collaboration of Genio popvli romani];

- sold on CGB E-auction 366 (lot 278925) in April 2020 for EUR 44; weight 3.38 g; diameter 23.5 mm [click for picture];

- from CGB (brm_218130); weight 2.92 g; diameter 22.5 mm [click for picture] [Thanks to the collaboration of Genio popvli romani];

- from Tantalus database (S/N 39903, posted by nhochrein); diameter 19 mm [click for picture] [Thanks to the collaboration of Genio popvli romani];

- from the Genio popvli romani Collection; weight 3.10 g; diameter 19 mm [click for picture];

- from the Genio popvli romani Collection; weight 3.41 g; diameter 19-21 mm [click for picture];

- sold on eBay in June 2017 for EUR 35; weight 2.90 g; diameter 20 mm [click for picture];

- from Bastien-Huvelin (plate VI, no. 330); weight 2.87 g [click for picture].

NOT IN RIC © 2004 Lech Stępniewski