UNLISTED FOR RULER. RIC lists this issue only for Constantine I and Crispus (p. 128). Listed in Bastien Lyon (318-337) (p. 143, no. 40a) but erroneously attributed to the previous issue with m.m. which follows line of circular inscription.
In footnote 3 on p. 143 Bastien claims that there are dots in m.m., but admits that attribution to the issue with PL mark is also possible ("La marque du nummus no 40a est mal lisible mais il semble que les trois points existent, se qui est peu visible sur la photographie. S'il s'agit d'une marque PL, nous avons là un exemplaire nouveau à classer dans l'émission précédente après le no 32.").
In the present author's opinion, the basic difference between these two issues is exergual line which is undoubtedly visible on this specimen. Coin should be listed after LYONS 100.