Weight 3.23 g; diameter 19 mm. From the Albert-Ludwigs-Universität Freiburg Collection (inventory no. 08062).
Other specimens:
- sold on CGB live auction in May 2024 (brm_629493) for EUR 45; Chitry Hoard (no. 2269); weight 2.40 g; diameter 19.5 mm [click for picture];
- from CGB E-shop (brm_596774); ex Schmitt-Cadet; weight 3.23 g; diameter 18 mm [click for picture];
- from CGB E-shop (brm_596775); ex Schmitt-Cadet; weight 3.88 g; diameter 19.5 mm [click for picture];
- from CGB E-shop (brm_596776); ex Schmitt-Cadet; weight 3.22 g; diameter 20 mm [click for picture];
- from CGB E-shop (brm_596777); ex Schmitt-Cadet; weight 2.17 g; diameter 21 mm [click for picture];
- from CGB E-shop (brm_596778); ex Schmitt-Cadet; weight 2.93 g; diameter 18 mm [click for picture];
- from CGB E-shop (brm_596779); ex Schmitt-Cadet; weight 3.55 g; diameter 19.5 mm [click for picture];
- from NVMMVS BIBLE II (NBD no. 51442) [click for picture];
- sold on eBay in June 2011 for GBP 11.50 g (officina letter uncertain; could be Q) [click for picture];
- from the collection of Laurent Diot; weight 3.19 g; diameter 19 mm [click for picture];
- sold on eBay in March 2016 for EUR 9.90; weight 3.0 g [click for picture];
- from Antibes Hoard (plate VII, no. 766); weight 2.76 g [click for picture].