Weight 9.66 g; diameter 28 mm. Coin sold on Bucephalus Numismatic auction 2 (lot 639) in January 2022 for EUR 16.
Other specimens:
- sold on CNG eAuction 289 (lot 392) in October 2012 for USD 60; weight 9.21 g; diameter 25 mm [click for picture] [Thanks to the collaboration of Paweł Dudek];
- sold on eBay in January 2009 for USD 27.16; weight 8.60 g; diameter 28 mm [click for picture];
- from the Kelsey Museum Collection; weight 9.43 g; diameter 28 mm [click for picture] [Thanks to the collaboration of Donald Burian];
- from Vico auction 147 (lot 3441), March 2017; ex Dattari [click for picture].